A Follower of Jesus? Definition
You've heard this one, right?We're called to follow and live like Jesus lived. Why is that? Are you good enough?Is there a way we 'should' act as believers? Do I have to vote a certain way??! Read to find out ... A Follower of Jesus? DefinitionThere's the term 'Christian' and then there's the term 'Follower'. I can tell you that if you believed in him, Jesus wouldn't care which one you claim. But, the basic difference is that the 'Christian' label can be fairly broad to include family values, social traditions, and church history.I find this label is on the Christian Coalition, whose current purpose is to assure that Obamacare is repealed and replaced. It's debatable, but I don't see Jesus joining that fight.So I personally use the word 'Follower' for my situation and…