![The Fullness of Life](https://worship-in-spirit-and-truth.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Top-of-the-World-1024x691.jpg)
See if this is a fit:
If you could find a manual for your life, and this manual said that above all:
You need the power of choice to succeed — and if the instructions gave you a specific method to feed your power-of-choice machine — would you pay attention to it??
Would you disregard it because it’s old and others may have misinterpreted it?
How can I explain this to you? I’m just so excited that you’ve come here and are willing take a couple of minutes to read through this.
I just want to do a good job. I’m really stoked about what I’ve discovered, and I have to share it with you so it might make a difference in your life.
You’ve heard the story of the bible before, you say. But have you? I want to make sure that you get the full understanding of what is offered to you.
Maybe I can put this in a new light (nothing new under the sun, but I’ll try!).
Would you drop any preconceived notions that you may have right now?
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What is Living Life to the Full?
Is it the pursuit of happiness and life as you see it? Is it a life of service for others? Is it making sure that you and your family survive and thrive?
Yes, yes and yes. It can be any of these things. So much depends on how YOU perceive your right to be happy.
The effectiveness of you finding what can be done with your life depends on you grabbing hold of the notion that you can be happy and that you can live life to the full.
When you choose to do so.
Happiness is not self-indulgence. Happiness is knowing that you are on the right path.
You can still live a life of service and not find happiness. You can live a life of pure self-indulgence and not find your own happiness. In the end, no one here on earth should ever be your judge as to how you live your life. That’s between you, your family and Yahweh.
The common denominator is you! Any lifestyle that you pursue depends upon making sure that you feed your power-of-choice machine well so that you’ll find the balance the Creator designed.
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What’s the Balance the Creator Designed?
The balancing act article here is found in the New Testament book of Matthew:
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36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c]”>[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’d]”>[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
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So, love God first. But the second is very near it, and has its own balance: “love your neighbor as yourself.”
So, I can’t effectively love my neighbor without loving myself? I can’t effectively love myself without loving my neighbor? Power-filled words.
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Who is Yahweh?
Yahweh is a very specific God. He is the God of the Jews of the Bible. He is three gods in one person, an entity known as the Trinity article here. Each member of the Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – have important roles in the pursuit of happiness.
Please take a moment to read about the Trinity at the link in the above paragraph.
For full reference, please read the cohesive story of God article here.
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The Father is the creator, who lives apart from his creation. The Son, who has been with the Father since the beginning of time, is the communicator between mankind and the Father. The Holy Spirit now lives with anyone who would believe that Jesus came and is the Son of God.
size> For more info, read about The Trinity and the Father's rolesize>size> (article here) size>and the Son's rolesize> (article here)size>. The Holy Spirit's role can be found in both articles.size>face>
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How is Yahweh Different, and Why Does that Matter?
Will you choose to stay clear of preconceived notions? Please take what I am saying above as an introduction. It’s time for you to introduce yourself and to get to know him. 🙂
He is different because he has existed for one purpose (that we know of): to create, love and nurture humankind.
I say ‘we know of’ because no one should pretend that they have Yahweh all figured out as far as what he has in store for us. Could there be other worlds? Maybe. Will we ever see them??
Do things like this matter in order for you to live your life to the full — To choose to be at ease and have peace-of-mind and a direction for you and your family today?
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Ok, What Does Yahweh Have for Me?
Yahweh sent his Son, Jesus to show us the way back to the Father and how to plug in to the best life possible here on the earth.
For those who might believe in him, Jesus promises a reconciliation with the Father. This reconciliation means that we can begin to realize that we are not just the flesh and blood that we see, but a living testament to the Father.
We are a part of Yahweh’s original family and beings that live together with him forever.
In the Book of Ephesians in chapter 1, the Apostle Paul gives a very good summary of who we are:
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4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
In love 5 heb]”>[b] predestined us for adoption to sonshipc]”>[c] through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—
6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
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He chose you before the creation of the world to live with him forever.
He created reconnection with you through belief in Jesus. You are a citizen of God’s realm.
At the same moment that we believe, we are also freely given the key to the engine of our life today — The Holy Spirit — so that we might live our best here and now.
Jesus gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling with us forever. As long as we live, the Holy Spirit gives help navigating this broken world.
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Everlasting life begins today
Live for the moment knowing you have the power to make your life better. Live for making your family better.
Go out and have some fun. Rejoice in knowing that you have joy-filled days ahead learning exactly who you are in your new life with Jesus.
Live in the state of pursuit. Understand what it means to pursue holiness as well as the desires of your heart.
Enjoy your dating life and your passions. Live in the moment while dreaming of the ideal state: the balance of life presented to you by God.
Know that the instruction manual, the bible, is chock full of examples of how to live life to the extent that God designed for you. The New Testament is all about how. The Old Testament tells us how we got there.
Discover your life. Have it to the full.
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What’s Next?
Choose to give your heart to the sovereign God of the Universe.
Believe that Jesus sacrificed himself for you.
Accept the free gift of the Holy Spirit to help guide you through this life and to many victories.
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Join the Conversation
What have you thought about living life to the full? Do you have any questions about how you can begin?
Would you leave me a comment to help others who may come by and read this page? Please share this with your family.
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A working guitarist, guitar designer, songwriter, worship leader and online entrepreneur who is passionate for telling others about the story of God. |
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